In our busy, fast paced world, myths and misinformation on the internet, social media and other sources make nutrition and healthy eating confusing. Not to mention what is “good for you” is not the same for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to healthy eating. Dietitians understand the science of nutrition and the unique needs of each person based on their health, their preferences and their culture and food traditions.

March is Nutrition Month. The theme for 2021 is GOOD FOR YOU. Dietitians find Your Healthy.

I love this theme. As a private practice dietitian, I work with individuals everyday helping them find their own healthy! This couldn’t be more appropriate or timely. Do you find that your online searches bring you grief, not knowing what to eat anymore? If you’d like to consider working with me click here to book a free consult to discuss your individual needs.

Did you know that Canada’s Food Guide fits nicely into this theme? The food guide promotes health and overall nutritional well-being and does so by recognizing the diverse contexts within which we live work and play. The food guide recommends a variety of healthy foods. It acknowledges that there are different ways to make healthy choices that reflect their personal preferences, culture, traditions, budget, life stage and lifestyle. Cooking more often – yes! It recommends that too – helping people to make and choose ingredients they like, that work for them. It might also challenge you to try something new!

I like the fact that the guide can be used for those who enjoy including meat, fish, poultry in their diets. And the food guide can also be used for those moving towards a more plant-based diet. Even vegetarian, vegan plans as well! There is so much diversity – it’s simply a matter of learning where foods fit – and why!

The size and amount of each food shown on the plate is not meant to show how much to eat, but rather the plate demonstrates the proportions of food groups in relation to one another as a reminder to follow when building healthy meals and snacks. It helps to communicate dietitians’ recommendations that vegetables and fruit should make up the largest proportion of foods throughout the day.

So – simply put for many of my clients I support them to make ½ their plate vegetables and fruit, with ¼ plate whole grain or starchy food, and ¼ plate protein food. And for some we further customize to help them feel their best.

There are a number of resources available including simple recipes with adaptation ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The food guide snapshot is available in many languages.

Tips for adjusting recipes can be found here as well.

Why not find YOUR healthy by trying one new recipe this week?!

Download this free 15 recipe e-book for Nutrition month for ideas.

Lots more healthy recipes here and here

Consider finding YOUR healthy by working with me as your Registered Dietitian. 

-        personalized  anti-inflammatory diet for those suffering from digestive symptoms

-        customized healthy meal plan to help you eat better, menuplan, save money, reduce waste, reduce calories, or increase nutrients of concern and so much more!

-         NEW! functional nutrition protocols to help you address the root causes of inflammation including heartburn, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation

-          weight management skills that address your cravings, habits or stress eating instead of following the next diet trend 

-         nutrition by DNA – get your own personalized nutrition and fitness report  

I want to help you Find YOUR Healthy.  Book your free telephone consultation to discuss your needs.

Adapted from Dietitians of Canada Nutrition Month materials. Find more information about Nutrition Month at nutritionmonth2021

#nutritionmonth  @DietitianCAN


Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards


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